
Plant care Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage

Pinch out tomatoes shoots
12109606 - Pinch out tomatoes shoots
Woman cuts back Geranium (Cranesbill)
12167198 - Woman cuts back Geranium (Cranesbill)
Shadow terrace with fuchsia trunk, planted with impatiens
12182438 - Shadow terrace with fuchsia trunk, planted with impatiens
Woman cutting back withered Rosa 'New Dawn' flowers
12167207 - Woman cutting back withered Rosa 'New Dawn' flowers
Geranium blossom against the growth direction
12111452 - Geranium blossom against the growth direction
Correct pruning of a polyantharose
12167205 - Correct pruning of a polyantharose
Further cultivation of Azalea hybr. 1st step
12218030 - Further cultivation of Azalea hybr. 1st step
Woman cutting faded flowers of Rosa (roses)
12187404 - Woman cutting faded flowers of Rosa (roses)
Woman cuts away dead shoots of Rosa (climbing rose) in spring
12179053 - Woman cuts away dead shoots of Rosa (climbing rose) in spring
Woman cuts off faded flowers of Rosa (roses)
12187406 - Woman cuts off faded flowers of Rosa (roses)
Violet large potted plants as border of gravel terrace
12182419 - Violet large potted plants as border of gravel terrace
Campanula Persicifolia
12106767 - Campanula Persicifolia
Cut back tulips after flowering
12115945 - Cut back tulips after flowering
Woman cutting off the faded tulipa (tulip) flowers
12165362 - Woman cutting off the faded tulipa (tulip) flowers
Prepare the withered Gazania
12113539 - Prepare the withered Gazania
Removing blooms from geranium
12111099 - Removing blooms from geranium
Cyclamen (cyclamen), flowered stems are
12227068 - Cyclamen (cyclamen), flowered stems are
Woman cutting off dead rose shoots in spring
12179054 - Woman cutting off dead rose shoots in spring
Blooming flowers of Schlumbergera erupt
12170299 - Blooming flowers of Schlumbergera erupt
Cyclamen (cyclamen) bloomed flowers
12219118 - Cyclamen (cyclamen) bloomed flowers
Woman cutting out faded flowers of pink (rose)
12187405 - Woman cutting out faded flowers of pink (rose)
Woman sweeping up shaken off fuchsia blossoms
12182437 - Woman sweeping up shaken off fuchsia blossoms
Woman shakes faded fuchsia (fuchsia) flowers off
12182436 - Woman shakes faded fuchsia (fuchsia) flowers off
Woman cuts off faded flowers of Dahlia (dahlia)
12182434 - Woman cuts off faded flowers of Dahlia (dahlia)
Woman cuts back geranium (Cranesbill)
12167200 - Woman cuts back geranium (Cranesbill)
Rhododendron 'Red Jack'
12130050 - Rhododendron 'Red Jack'
Cutting off oleander (Nerium oleander) blooming flowers
12182727 - Cutting off oleander (Nerium oleander) blooming flowers
Woman cutting back geranium (cranesbill)
12167199 - Woman cutting back geranium (cranesbill)
Cut back petunias
12110400 - Cut back petunias
Man cuts off withered and diseased shoots of Nerium (oleander)
12161608 - Man cuts off withered and diseased shoots of Nerium (oleander)
Clivia miniata (Clive) after flowering only the seed set
12224528 - Clivia miniata (Clive) after flowering only the seed set
Cut back withered parts of the rose regularly
12112741 - Cut back withered parts of the rose regularly
Faded parts before wintering
12111098 - Faded parts before wintering
Break blooming flowers of Rhododendron
12107377 - Break blooming flowers of Rhododendron
Pruning lupins
12106463 - Pruning lupins
Man cuts off withered and diseased shoots of Nerium (oleander)
12161607 - Man cuts off withered and diseased shoots of Nerium (oleander)
Cutting off blooming flowers in pink (rose)
12151785 - Cutting off blooming flowers in pink (rose)
Man cuts off withered and diseased shoots of Nerium (Oleander)
12161609 - Man cuts off withered and diseased shoots of Nerium (Oleander)
Azalea hybrids
12218338 - Azalea hybrids
Woman cutting back withered Rosa 'New Dawn' flowers
12167208 - Woman cutting back withered Rosa 'New Dawn' flowers
Woman cuts back geranium (Cranesbill)
12167201 - Woman cuts back geranium (Cranesbill)
Break blooming flowers of Rhododendron
12138241 - Break blooming flowers of Rhododendron
Cutting out of blooming pink (rose) flowers
12139981 - Cutting out of blooming pink (rose) flowers
Clean geranium completely before wintering
12111764 - Clean geranium completely before wintering
Woman cutting seed heads of Tulipa (tulips)
12156764 - Woman cutting seed heads of Tulipa (tulips)
Spring terrace with Tulipa 'Yellow Flight' (tulips), Muscari 'Magic Mix'
12179950 - Spring terrace with Tulipa 'Yellow Flight' (tulips), Muscari 'Magic Mix'
Cut off Phalaenopsis (Malayan flower) below the budded shoots
12224523 - Cut off Phalaenopsis (Malayan flower) below the budded shoots
Remove faded primroses for longer flowering
12218772 - Remove faded primroses for longer flowering
Young woman removing withered Dahlia (dahlia) flowers
12175520 - Young woman removing withered Dahlia (dahlia) flowers
Young woman removes faded flowers from Dahlia (dahlia)
12175519 - Young woman removes faded flowers from Dahlia (dahlia)
Breaking of faded Pelargonium (geranium) inflorescences
12138491 - Breaking of faded Pelargonium (geranium) inflorescences
Further cultivation of Amaryllis
12130464 - Further cultivation of Amaryllis
Young woman cutting faded flowers of Rosa 'Snow White'
12121313 - Young woman cutting faded flowers of Rosa 'Snow White'
Antirrhinum majus
12113460 - Antirrhinum majus
Woman cutting withered sage flowers
12161171 - Woman cutting withered sage flowers
Young woman cutting back faded pinks (rose)
12107568 - Young woman cutting back faded pinks (rose)
Cut back dahlias after flowering
12113538 - Cut back dahlias after flowering
Remove any bloated parts
12111937 - Remove any bloated parts
Paeonien, remove the seeds
12106467 - Paeonien, remove the seeds
Faded parts of Physostegia (joint flower)
12106397 - Faded parts of Physostegia (joint flower)
Schlumbergera (Christmas cactus)
12227018 - Schlumbergera (Christmas cactus)
Removing withered flowers and leaves
12217820 - Removing withered flowers and leaves
Mandevilla splendens with large rose flowers, Mandevilla Sundaville 'Cosmos
12159907 - Mandevilla splendens with large rose flowers, Mandevilla Sundaville 'Cosmos
Woman cutting faded flowers of Dahlia (dahlia)
12157632 - Woman cutting faded flowers of Dahlia (dahlia)
Woman cuts off withered flowers of Rosa 'Leonardo Da Vinci'
12139982 - Woman cuts off withered flowers of Rosa 'Leonardo Da Vinci'
Cosmos (1/3)
12122448 - Cosmos (1/3)
Regular pruning of carnations increases subsequent flowering
12119381 - Regular pruning of carnations increases subsequent flowering
Felicia amelloides after first flowering
12113544 - Felicia amelloides after first flowering
Cutting off dahlias after flowering
12113535 - Cutting off dahlias after flowering
Cutting off bloated parts near Gazania
12111940 - Cutting off bloated parts near Gazania
Cut off fruiting stalks
12109806 - Cut off fruiting stalks
Iris (iris): Cut off withered parts
12106465 - Iris (iris): Cut off withered parts
Plucking off withered blossoms of oleander (Nerium oleander)
12182728 - Plucking off withered blossoms of oleander (Nerium oleander)
Correct pruning of a polyantharose
12167206 - Correct pruning of a polyantharose
Woman removing faded flowers from Dahlia (Dahlia)
12151722 - Woman removing faded flowers from Dahlia (Dahlia)
Blooming flower heads in tulips
12114451 - Blooming flower heads in tulips
Rhododendron cut away faded parts
12113074 - Rhododendron cut away faded parts
Sinningia hybrids
12230720 - Sinningia hybrids
Woman cutting off faded flowers of Dahlia (dahlia)
12182435 - Woman cutting off faded flowers of Dahlia (dahlia)
Roses: Withered shoots behind Corrected: Roses: Withered shoots behind
12112937 - Roses: Withered shoots behind Corrected: Roses: Withered shoots behind
Faded flower shoots of Hypoestes
12217385 - Faded flower shoots of Hypoestes
Cut back tulips after flowering
12208399 - Cut back tulips after flowering
Lavandula (lavender)
12132899 - Lavandula (lavender)
Rosa (faded rose)
12121951 - Rosa (faded rose)
Regularly plucking out dead parts prolongs the flowering period
12116532 - Regularly plucking out dead parts prolongs the flowering period
Young woman removing seeds
12107543 - Young woman removing seeds
Woman cuts faded flowers from Rosa (roses)
12151786 - Woman cuts faded flowers from Rosa (roses)
Epipremnum pinnatum 'Aureum' (Efeutute), Guzmania
12136383 - Epipremnum pinnatum 'Aureum' (Efeutute), Guzmania
Remove inflorescences of Muscari (grape hyacinths)
12114437 - Remove inflorescences of Muscari (grape hyacinths)
Break off faded geranium flowers against the direction of growth
12111514 - Break off faded geranium flowers against the direction of growth
Prune roses properly after flowering
12212582 - Prune roses properly after flowering
Woman cuts back withered shoots of Rosa (rose) vigorously
12167204 - Woman cuts back withered shoots of Rosa (rose) vigorously
Woman cutting off the faded tulipa (tulip) flowers
12165363 - Woman cutting off the faded tulipa (tulip) flowers
Argyranthemum frutescens (Chrysanthemum)
12112939 - Argyranthemum frutescens (Chrysanthemum)
Geranium before wintering, the faded ones
12111757 - Geranium before wintering, the faded ones
Cut off flowered parts of Primula malacoides
12219091 - Cut off flowered parts of Primula malacoides
Breaking of faded inflorescences in Rhododendron
12138490 - Breaking of faded inflorescences in Rhododendron
Knock out dead parts regularly
12110396 - Knock out dead parts regularly
Perennial flowerbed in the 2nd year (autumn)
12106853 - Perennial flowerbed in the 2nd year (autumn)
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