
Boxwood border Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage

Round border with Buxus (boxwood border): Forysthia intermedia
12172205 - Round border with Buxus (boxwood border): Forysthia intermedia
View into summer garden with Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' (Harlequin willow) - trunk, Hemerocallis (daylilies), Delphinium (delphinium), Solidago (goldenrod), Hosta (hosta), Ligularia (ragwort) and Buxus (boxwood) as border.
12194082 - View into summer garden with Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' (Harlequin willow) - trunk, Hemerocallis (daylilies), Delphinium (delphinium), Solidago (goldenrod), Hosta (hosta), Ligularia (ragwort) and Buxus (boxwood) as border.
Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) as border and dwarf hedge
13734399 - Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) as border and dwarf hedge
Round bed with border of Buxus (boxwood)
12183291 - Round bed with border of Buxus (boxwood)
Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) as border and dwarf hedge
13734407 - Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) as border and dwarf hedge
Small herb bed with Buxus (boxwood border)
12157675 - Small herb bed with Buxus (boxwood border)
Aster novi-belgii (smooth-leaved aster) behind Buxus (boxwood border)
12146627 - Aster novi-belgii (smooth-leaved aster) behind Buxus (boxwood border)
Green-white-orange border with Buxus (Boxwood)
12155991 - Green-white-orange border with Buxus (Boxwood)
Noun: Autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) behind a hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
12179696 - Noun: Autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) behind a hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
Path border of iron, boxwood, Aquilegia, Lupinus
12106923 - Path border of iron, boxwood, Aquilegia, Lupinus
Zinnia (zinnias) behind Buxus (boxwood border) in the cottage garden
12159601 - Zinnia (zinnias) behind Buxus (boxwood border) in the cottage garden
Formal garden: Buxus (boxwood) as square border for square beds with Hosta (funcias) and box balls
12124610 - Formal garden: Buxus (boxwood) as square border for square beds with Hosta (funcias) and box balls
Noun: Autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) behind hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
12179697 - Noun: Autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) behind hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
Noun: Autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) behind hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
12179698 - Noun: Autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) behind hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
Autumn border with Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (Hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) - behind hedge of Buxus (Boxwood)
12179695 - Autumn border with Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (Hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) - behind hedge of Buxus (Boxwood)
Bed with Primula vialii (orchid primrose) and aster by the pond with natural stone border, small hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
12127026 - Bed with Primula vialii (orchid primrose) and aster by the pond with natural stone border, small hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
Notting Hill House - autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) - behind hedge of Buxus (boxwood).
12179694 - Notting Hill House - autumn border with Prunus (ornamental cherry), Hydrangea paniculata 'Annabelle', 'Grandiflora' (hydrangea), Spiraea japonica 'Golden Princess' (Japanese dwarf spirea) - behind hedge of Buxus (boxwood).
Wooden bench at the border with Aruncus (Forest Honeysuckle), Buxus (Boxwood) ball and hedge, Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' (Blood Plum) in front of garden house with Hedera (Ivy)
12124933 - Wooden bench at the border with Aruncus (Forest Honeysuckle), Buxus (Boxwood) ball and hedge, Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' (Blood Plum) in front of garden house with Hedera (Ivy)
Rosa 'Golden Wings', 'Felicia '(Roses), Buxus sempervirens (Boxwood) Topiary as centre and hedges as border, paths with gravel and clinker, view of figure on column
12127088 - Rosa 'Golden Wings', 'Felicia '(Roses), Buxus sempervirens (Boxwood) Topiary as centre and hedges as border, paths with gravel and clinker, view of figure on column
Vegetable garden with pavilion, hedge and beds with buxus (boxwood border), leek (Allium porrum)
12179715 - Vegetable garden with pavilion, hedge and beds with buxus (boxwood border), leek (Allium porrum)
Rosa 'Buff Beauty', 'New Dawn' (roses), Allium giganteum (ornamental leek) in border with hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
12127004 - Rosa 'Buff Beauty', 'New Dawn' (roses), Allium giganteum (ornamental leek) in border with hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
White-yellow border with Rosa 'Snow White' (shrub rose) and Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle), hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
12127137 - White-yellow border with Rosa 'Snow White' (shrub rose) and Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle), hedge of Buxus (boxwood)
The Villandry Castle Garden: gravel paths, vegetable beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (boxwood), Rosa (roses) stems and summer flower border
12125366 - The Villandry Castle Garden: gravel paths, vegetable beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (boxwood), Rosa (roses) stems and summer flower border
Rosa (roses), Geranium (cranesbill), Artemisia absinthium 'Lambrook Silver' (rue), Buxus (boxwood) border
12123381 - Rosa (roses), Geranium (cranesbill), Artemisia absinthium 'Lambrook Silver' (rue), Buxus (boxwood) border
Campanula (bellflowers), Rosa (roses), Cornus 'Variegata' (white dogwood), Philadelphus (pipe bush), Delphinium (delphinium), Dianthus barbatus (bearded carnations), Buxus (boxwood) as border for the beds
12123387 - Campanula (bellflowers), Rosa (roses), Cornus 'Variegata' (white dogwood), Philadelphus (pipe bush), Delphinium (delphinium), Dianthus barbatus (bearded carnations), Buxus (boxwood) as border for the beds
Rosa 'Golden Shower' (Climbing Rose), repeat flowering, good fragrance, shade tolerant, with Buxus (Boxwood) as border on house wall
12126563 - Rosa 'Golden Shower' (Climbing Rose), repeat flowering, good fragrance, shade tolerant, with Buxus (Boxwood) as border on house wall
Purple-pink border with Geranium 'Nimbus' (cranesbill), Rosa 'Bonica' (small shrub rose), Buxus (boxwood) small and large ball
12128493 - Purple-pink border with Geranium 'Nimbus' (cranesbill), Rosa 'Bonica' (small shrub rose), Buxus (boxwood) small and large ball
Rambler rose 'cherry rose' on the rose arch and candelabra prize in the bed with box hedge as a border
13269063 - Rambler rose 'cherry rose' on the rose arch and candelabra prize in the bed with box hedge as a border
Rambler rose 'cherry rose' on the rose arch and candelabra prize in the bed with box hedge as a border
13269064 - Rambler rose 'cherry rose' on the rose arch and candelabra prize in the bed with box hedge as a border
Snowy boxwood hedge in the cottage garden
13398988 - Snowy boxwood hedge in the cottage garden
Bed with rambler rose 'Kirschrose', Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination' and box hedge as a border
13269069 - Bed with rambler rose 'Kirschrose', Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination' and box hedge as a border
Round border with Buxus (box) as edging: Prunus incisa, Ranunculus
12172202 - Round border with Buxus (box) as edging: Prunus incisa, Ranunculus
Black climbing bean 'Blauhilde' (Phaseolus) on trellis in round border
12182723 - Black climbing bean 'Blauhilde' (Phaseolus) on trellis in round border
Black climbing bean 'Blauhilde' (Phaseolus) on trellis in round border
12182722 - Black climbing bean 'Blauhilde' (Phaseolus) on trellis in round border
Round border with Buxus (box) as edging, Crocosmia
12176051 - Round border with Buxus (box) as edging, Crocosmia
Round bed with Buxus (box) as border: Prunus incisa, Ranunculus
12172203 - Round bed with Buxus (box) as border: Prunus incisa, Ranunculus
Round bed with Buxus (box) as border, Verbena bonariensis
12175926 - Round bed with Buxus (box) as border, Verbena bonariensis
Round border with Erysimum Rysi 'Moon', 'Star' (golden varnish)
12164810 - Round border with Erysimum Rysi 'Moon', 'Star' (golden varnish)
Path between hedges of Buxus (boxwood), archway under Carpinus (hornbeam) as passageway
12124577 - Path between hedges of Buxus (boxwood), archway under Carpinus (hornbeam) as passageway
Mixed shrubs in border
13727649 - Mixed shrubs in border
Hillside garden with rambler rose 'Lykkefund' on the tree, photinia robin tree, flower bed with box hedge and fence as a privacy screen
13384928 - Hillside garden with rambler rose 'Lykkefund' on the tree, photinia robin tree, flower bed with box hedge and fence as a privacy screen
Country garden with box hedge borders in autumn
13514050 - Country garden with box hedge borders in autumn
Sloping garden with pavilion and bed with rose stems, bordered with box hedge
13384925 - Sloping garden with pavilion and bed with rose stems, bordered with box hedge
Country garden with box hedge borders in autumn
13514049 - Country garden with box hedge borders in autumn
View of the hillside garden with hydrangea 'Annabelle' and flower beds with box hedges
13384929 - View of the hillside garden with hydrangea 'Annabelle' and flower beds with box hedges
Sloping garden with pavilion and bed with rose stems, bordered with box hedge
13384924 - Sloping garden with pavilion and bed with rose stems, bordered with box hedge
Rose stems with historical rose varieties in a round bed with a box hedge
13384922 - Rose stems with historical rose varieties in a round bed with a box hedge
View from above of a hillside garden with a pavilion and bed with rose stems, edged with a box hedge
13384926 - View from above of a hillside garden with a pavilion and bed with rose stems, edged with a box hedge
Lilac 'Agnes Smith' in the bed with peony, candytuft and clematis, box hedge and Acapulco chair
13269094 - Lilac 'Agnes Smith' in the bed with peony, candytuft and clematis, box hedge and Acapulco chair
Tulips 'Dynasty' and ornamental apple 'Paul Hauber' in a round bed with box hedge, turquoise bench
12669094 - Tulips 'Dynasty' and ornamental apple 'Paul Hauber' in a round bed with box hedge, turquoise bench
Perennial flowerbed with Delphinium, Alchemilla
12196408 - Perennial flowerbed with Delphinium, Alchemilla
Flowerbed with rambler climbing roses (Rosa) and box edging and arbour
13689751 - Flowerbed with rambler climbing roses (Rosa) and box edging and arbour
Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
13380068 - Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
Box hedge with path
14071324 - Box hedge with path
White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
12195033 - White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
Syringa microphylla 'Superba' with autumn flowering
12195828 - Syringa microphylla 'Superba' with autumn flowering
Malus 'Rudolph' in a round bed bordered with Buxus
12195396 - Malus 'Rudolph' in a round bed bordered with Buxus
Sour cherry 'Morina', healthy, tasty variety
12195416 - Sour cherry 'Morina', healthy, tasty variety
Woman picking apples (malus) in the farm garden, apple tree in the bed
12197940 - Woman picking apples (malus) in the farm garden, apple tree in the bed
Malus 'Rudolph' in a round bed bordered with Buxus
12195397 - Malus 'Rudolph' in a round bed bordered with Buxus
Box hedge with path
14071325 - Box hedge with path
Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
13380069 - Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
View of planting table in front of hornbeam hedge
13738003 - View of planting table in front of hornbeam hedge
Country garden with box hedges in winter
13492800 - Country garden with box hedges in winter
Camellia japonica 'Flame' (Camellia) with Tulipa 'Ballerina'
12195411 - Camellia japonica 'Flame' (Camellia) with Tulipa 'Ballerina'
Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
13380070 - Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
Rose arch with hedges and chandelier in the garden
13938532 - Rose arch with hedges and chandelier in the garden
Hedge clipped into the peace sign
13480839 - Hedge clipped into the peace sign
White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
12195036 - White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
Mediterranean garden with blooming roses and box hedges, path mulched with wood chips
13384918 - Mediterranean garden with blooming roses and box hedges, path mulched with wood chips
Flowering bed with rose stems and box hedge
13193180 - Flowering bed with rose stems and box hedge
Black climbing bean 'Blauhilde' (Phaseolus) on climbing frame in round bed
12182721 - Black climbing bean 'Blauhilde' (Phaseolus) on climbing frame in round bed
A bird house on a post in a garden
13610343 - A bird house on a post in a garden
Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
13380067 - Campanulas and box hedge edging in rose garden
Formal garden with topiary trees
13384916 - Formal garden with topiary trees
Two white wooden buildings connected by a terrace
13521318 - Two white wooden buildings connected by a terrace
Cottage garden with Malvenbeet
12166884 - Cottage garden with Malvenbeet
Round bed with Erysimum Rysi 'Moon' 'Star' (Golden Violet)
12164774 - Round bed with Erysimum Rysi 'Moon' 'Star' (Golden Violet)
Formal garden with topiary trees
13694537 - Formal garden with topiary trees
Mediterranean garden with blooming roses
13384917 - Mediterranean garden with blooming roses
Climbing rose 'Giardina', including autumn anemone and hedge
13938523 - Climbing rose 'Giardina', including autumn anemone and hedge
Bed of roses and box hedges, hidden garden bench and box bush clipped into cone
12965498 - Bed of roses and box hedges, hidden garden bench and box bush clipped into cone
Garden path lined with plants and seating, hornbeam hedge separates the garden areas from each other
13738014 - Garden path lined with plants and seating, hornbeam hedge separates the garden areas from each other
Circular box hedge along the gravel path in the garden
13737994 - Circular box hedge along the gravel path in the garden
Garden shed in the ground floor garden and box hedge
13653845 - Garden shed in the ground floor garden and box hedge
Country garden with box hedges in winter
13492803 - Country garden with box hedges in winter
View over the perennial bed with autumn anemone and box hedge on pyramids of rank
13467750 - View over the perennial bed with autumn anemone and box hedge on pyramids of rank
Cottage garden with Malvenbeet
12166881 - Cottage garden with Malvenbeet
Round bed in lawn with box hedge
12158381 - Round bed in lawn with box hedge
Box round with Stachys 'Hummelo', Phlox paniculata, Verbena bonariensis
12167132 - Box round with Stachys 'Hummelo', Phlox paniculata, Verbena bonariensis
Cottage garden with Malvenbeet
12166880 - Cottage garden with Malvenbeet
Box tree lined perennial beds in English country house garden
13654004 - Box tree lined perennial beds in English country house garden
Basket of roses on garden chair next to climbing rose and wall in sunshine
12965477 - Basket of roses on garden chair next to climbing rose and wall in sunshine
Woman with children in the garden on the bench, chip basket as Easter nest
12164675 - Woman with children in the garden on the bench, chip basket as Easter nest
Climbing roses on screening fence in bed edged with box hedge
12965418 - Climbing roses on screening fence in bed edged with box hedge
Girl revels Forsythia intermedia with white eggs
12172583 - Girl revels Forsythia intermedia with white eggs
Round bed with Erysimum Rysi 'Moon', 'Star' (gold lacquer)
12164809 - Round bed with Erysimum Rysi 'Moon', 'Star' (gold lacquer)
Woman with children in the garden on the bench, chip basket as Easter nest
12164674 - Woman with children in the garden on the bench, chip basket as Easter nest
Tree with clipped round crown in idyllic summer garden
11444419 - Tree with clipped round crown in idyllic summer garden
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