
Food Value Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage

Basket Box Tucked with Fruits and Berries as Bird Food Box
12177132 - Basket Box Tucked with Fruits and Berries as Bird Food Box
Basket Box Tucked with Fruits and Berries as Bird Food Box
12177133 - Basket Box Tucked with Fruits and Berries as Bird Food Box
Bottles of homemade woodruff syrup as a gift decorated with hearts and wreaths
11402747 - Bottles of homemade woodruff syrup as a gift decorated with hearts and wreaths
Variety of berries in small cake tins: blackberries, raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants and red and green gooseberries
11402740 - Variety of berries in small cake tins: blackberries, raspberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants and red and green gooseberries
Garden terrace decorated for autumn in shades and yellow and orange
11141496 - Garden terrace decorated for autumn in shades and yellow and orange
Basket With Purple Bell 'champagne' And Horned Violet
12498831 - Basket With Purple Bell 'champagne' And Horned Violet
Prunes on plate and in jar
00296211 - Prunes on plate and in jar
Home-made lemon oil in two bottles out of doors
00327565 - Home-made lemon oil in two bottles out of doors
Pickled lemons with rosemary
00296532 - Pickled lemons with rosemary
Balcony with wicker armchair, curtains, dahlias, climbing roses and amaranth
11141529 - Balcony with wicker armchair, curtains, dahlias, climbing roses and amaranth
Orange jelly with lemon thyme
00296365 - Orange jelly with lemon thyme
Tomato juice in 3 flip-top bottles, tomatoes, rosemary, bay
00327617 - Tomato juice in 3 flip-top bottles, tomatoes, rosemary, bay
Blueberries and blueberry shakes
00199251 - Blueberries and blueberry shakes
Wreath of autumn leaves and rose hips on chair back
00296514 - Wreath of autumn leaves and rose hips on chair back
Pomegranates and vase of rose hips
00296232 - Pomegranates and vase of rose hips
Plum juice in bottles, fresh plums in basket
00296213 - Plum juice in bottles, fresh plums in basket
Pear jelly and fresh pears
00296191 - Pear jelly and fresh pears
Three jars of rose hip jam
00271222 - Three jars of rose hip jam
Fresh pears and pear juice in bottles
00296198 - Fresh pears and pear juice in bottles
Bottled pears, pear juice, pear jelly, dried and fresh pears
00296196 - Bottled pears, pear juice, pear jelly, dried and fresh pears
Lemonade and fresh citrus fruit
00296359 - Lemonade and fresh citrus fruit
Bottled and fresh blueberries
00377458 - Bottled and fresh blueberries
Bottles of red grape juice in bottle carrier
00296496 - Bottles of red grape juice in bottle carrier
Salad of sprouts, salad leaves and edible flowers
00296390 - Salad of sprouts, salad leaves and edible flowers
Elderflower lemonade in perserving jars
00279731 - Elderflower lemonade in perserving jars
Salad with dill, nasturtium and marigolds
00199396 - Salad with dill, nasturtium and marigolds
Tomato sugo, tomato sauce in bottles
00344167 - Tomato sugo, tomato sauce in bottles
Basket of sunflowers, apples and rose hips
00338303 - Basket of sunflowers, apples and rose hips
Cobs of corn in wicker basket and hanging up, pumpkins
00296494 - Cobs of corn in wicker basket and hanging up, pumpkins
Place-setting decorated with rose hips and chrysanthemum
00277525 - Place-setting decorated with rose hips and chrysanthemum
Blackberries and blackberry tart
00199248 - Blackberries and blackberry tart
Red fruit compote garnished with fresh berries
00377694 - Red fruit compote garnished with fresh berries
Summery redcurrant flan and fruit quark
00279836 - Summery redcurrant flan and fruit quark
Herb butter decorated with nasturtium flowers
00273031 - Herb butter decorated with nasturtium flowers
Iced tea with mint and fresh strawberries on glass rims
00377659 - Iced tea with mint and fresh strawberries on glass rims
Nectarine jam and fresh nectarines
00377450 - Nectarine jam and fresh nectarines
Rose hip jam in jars with checked fabric covers
00370515 - Rose hip jam in jars with checked fabric covers
Bottled pears, pear juice, pear jelly, dried and fresh pears
00296199 - Bottled pears, pear juice, pear jelly, dried and fresh pears
Bottled and fresh pears
00296197 - Bottled and fresh pears
Fresh and bottled pears with cinnamon sticks
00271196 - Fresh and bottled pears with cinnamon sticks
Red grape jelly and fresh red grapes
00296499 - Red grape jelly and fresh red grapes
Blueberry and redcurrant compote
00199249 - Blueberry and redcurrant compote
Jars of apple jelly, basket of fresh apples
00296208 - Jars of apple jelly, basket of fresh apples
Still life with pumpkins, Chinese lanterns and rose hips
00272127 - Still life with pumpkins, Chinese lanterns and rose hips
Apricot compote and fresh apricots
00377452 - Apricot compote and fresh apricots
Home-made orange sugar with mortar, pestle & grater out of doors
00327566 - Home-made orange sugar with mortar, pestle & grater out of doors
Pink grapefruit ice cream in hollowed-out grapefruit shell
00296361 - Pink grapefruit ice cream in hollowed-out grapefruit shell
Blackberry shake with fresh blackberries
00377693 - Blackberry shake with fresh blackberries
Sage and garlic salt, rosemary salt, thyme and lemon salt
00372814 - Sage and garlic salt, rosemary salt, thyme and lemon salt
Home-made herb butter in small dish on table
00338529 - Home-made herb butter in small dish on table
Fruit-filled ice cubes in jug of water
00296367 - Fruit-filled ice cubes in jug of water
Amusing squash figures
00271134 - Amusing squash figures
Grape jelly and fresh grapes
00377511 - Grape jelly and fresh grapes
Redcurrant juice in bottles and fresh redcurrants
00344169 - Redcurrant juice in bottles and fresh redcurrants
Herb quark in a bowl with baguette
00327591 - Herb quark in a bowl with baguette
Cup of rose hip tea, sugar crystals in spoon, rose hips
00296219 - Cup of rose hip tea, sugar crystals in spoon, rose hips
A selection of herb oils
00271441 - A selection of herb oils
Still life with apple jelly, apples and rosemary
00270608 - Still life with apple jelly, apples and rosemary
Herb oil with sage and herb salt with rosemary
00370698 - Herb oil with sage and herb salt with rosemary
Jars of redcurrant jam
00279949 - Jars of redcurrant jam
Quark with ramsons (wild garlic)
00279933 - Quark with ramsons (wild garlic)
Cup of rose hip tea and rose hips
00273041 - Cup of rose hip tea and rose hips
Autumnal table decoration: pyramids of rose hips
00263504 - Autumnal table decoration: pyramids of rose hips
Blackberry ice cream with fresh blackberries
00377692 - Blackberry ice cream with fresh blackberries
Wild strawberry jam
00377504 - Wild strawberry jam
Strawberry liqueur
00344162 - Strawberry liqueur
Quittenbrot (quince jelly sweets) under glass dome
00338513 - Quittenbrot (quince jelly sweets) under glass dome
Freshly picked quinces and quince jelly
00296228 - Freshly picked quinces and quince jelly
Home-made tomato pesto and chilli-, thyme- and rosemary vinegar
00296181 - Home-made tomato pesto and chilli-, thyme- and rosemary vinegar
Still life with courgettes and courgette chutney
00270105 - Still life with courgettes and courgette chutney
Sunflowers, Nasturtium And Bee Pasture In Glasses
12460318 - Sunflowers, Nasturtium And Bee Pasture In Glasses
Gooseberry jam and fresh gooseberries
00377443 - Gooseberry jam and fresh gooseberries
Cooked white asparagus with ham and potato
00338120 - Cooked white asparagus with ham and potato
Kumquats, orange, grapefruit and mint on two skewers
00327145 - Kumquats, orange, grapefruit and mint on two skewers
Bottles of home-made tomato pesto, tomatoes
00296182 - Bottles of home-made tomato pesto, tomatoes
Table in open air decorated with corncobs and maize leaves
00271387 - Table in open air decorated with corncobs and maize leaves
Lemon ice cream in hollowed-out lemon with lemon balm
00377684 - Lemon ice cream in hollowed-out lemon with lemon balm
Mascarpone mice, chives and nasturtiums
00377677 - Mascarpone mice, chives and nasturtiums
Tomato sugo in bottles, tomatoes, basil and pasta
00370697 - Tomato sugo in bottles, tomatoes, basil and pasta
Quince syrup in carafe and in glass, diluted with water
00338528 - Quince syrup in carafe and in glass, diluted with water
Asparagus dish and herb decoration on table in open air
00338121 - Asparagus dish and herb decoration on table in open air
Yellow candles on glasses filled with rose hips & chestnuts
00263538 - Yellow candles on glasses filled with rose hips & chestnuts
Freshly picked tomatoes, peppers, chillies and sweetcorn
00858886 - Freshly picked tomatoes, peppers, chillies and sweetcorn
Rose hip decoration on chair back
00858855 - Rose hip decoration on chair back
Fresh raspberries and blackberries in waffle bowl
00279803 - Fresh raspberries and blackberries in waffle bowl
Summery table with flowers in open air
00271162 - Summery table with flowers in open air
Four bottles of home-made cloudy apple juice in wooden carrier
00338511 - Four bottles of home-made cloudy apple juice in wooden carrier
Schnapps flavoured with crab apples
00370689 - Schnapps flavoured with crab apples
Home-made clear apple juice in bottles
00338512 - Home-made clear apple juice in bottles
Mixed salad leaves with orange and grapefruit segments
00327142 - Mixed salad leaves with orange and grapefruit segments
Dried tomato pesto
00377469 - Dried tomato pesto
Half a grapefruit in a bowl and orange juice
00327141 - Half a grapefruit in a bowl and orange juice
Tree chilli (Capsicum pubescens Rojo) in colander
00296215 - Tree chilli (Capsicum pubescens Rojo) in colander
Bottles of homemade woodruff syrup as a gift decorated with hearts and wreaths
11402748 - Bottles of homemade woodruff syrup as a gift decorated with hearts and wreaths
Rose hip branches with Halloween decorations
00271418 - Rose hip branches with Halloween decorations
Quince jelly sweets on silver stand, with autumn leaves
00271358 - Quince jelly sweets on silver stand, with autumn leaves
Tagliatelle with black truffle
00271247 - Tagliatelle with black truffle
Autumnal arrangement of roses and rose hips
00858889 - Autumnal arrangement of roses and rose hips
Blackberry ice cream with fresh blackberries
00377691 - Blackberry ice cream with fresh blackberries
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